Wood Energy is a Strongly Represented Sector at Euroforest.
80 professional wood energy exhibitors, accounting for 20% of the total number of exhibitors, will be present at Euroforest. The exhibition offers an opportunity to meet and engage with them regarding the developments in their increasingly strategic sector.
Wood as Renewable, Responsible, and Sovereign Energy.
Wood energy is an essential renewable and local energy source for ecological transition and energy sovereignty.
As the primary renewable energy source in France, it constitutes 66% of the country's renewable heat production. No French forests are exclusively dedicated to wood energy production; instead, the by-products of forestry operations or wood processing are utilized.
The use of wood energy thus supports sustainable forest management through the valorization of these by-products, as it contributes to funding forest maintenance and renewal. This renders the resource inexhaustible by ensuring a continuous replenishment of the wood stock.

Come and Meet the Foresters
All these professions related to forestry and wood energy will be present at Euroforest. Professionals, the general public, and policymakers, come and meet the foresters at the exhibition to engage with these men and women dedicated to the forest, especially amidst the great outdoors.
They've been talking about it...
Le Bien Public, Journal de Saône-et-Loire, and La Renaissance have published articles about wood energy.
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Avec le soutien de France Bois Forêt.